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Monday, February 12, 2018

CARNIVAL-Canoa-Febr 11 2018

Tom and I went into  Canoa to see what activity was happening with Carnival. We stopped at Sucki Bar for a beer sitting for a while just people watching....then moved on to the Surf Shack for another.
 As the night ticked...the crowd grew

 2 bands were playing next to one another and different style couldn't hear yourself think it was so loud

 Street food

 we met up with the rest of our crew and stopped for a late dinner around 10 pm and a round or two.....This would continue until 1:45 am when we finally decided to head for the Sundown,,,,walking in the dark along the beach.
 This reptile was inside escaping from the rain and startled my Spanish Teacher and his clients who were seated at the kitchen table...previously unaware of this visitor.

Could I have stumbled on the lost Inca Treasure.......While scouring for Inca artifacts I found this piece of Quartze that may be laden with GOLD....time will tell....could it be from a Spanish Galleon which was laden with raw material headed for Spain and sank just off shore.  

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