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Sunday, February 11, 2018

Canoa/San Vicente-Feb 5-11 2018

Rain most evenings and into the morning the past few days.....not a lot to report as I have just hung out relaxing and walking the beach. A few excursions into either Canoa or San Vicente for supplies and to see if Carnival has both pueblas they have been setting up tents for the week end event which takes place over 3 days and includes fair like rides and many vendors selling hand crafted goods and of course numerous food choices for the hungry.

I am told that on Sunday to expect up to 15000 beach goers for the fiesta which is like a pilgrimage for families to enjoy a short break from work and school.

Expect the bar scene will be very active.....
 Our core group the past couple weeks at Sundown.....right to left...Tom(Colorado), Graham and Katherine (England Scotland),Leah(Toronto),James(California),Chris(Alaska),Julia(Alaska)Sean & Leah (Toronto,Canada)moi behind the camera.
Absent, but we would meet up with Charlie & Rufus at The Surf Shack a bar on the beach. The English lads are leaving in the morning heading for Peru, Bolivia Paraguay and Brazil. Sean and Leah will depart for Quito in the morning and possibly visit Mindo before returning to Canada.
 Olvar on the right (Latvia),James and Tom 

 If you double click on the picture you may see the red beach crabs scurrying for their burrows....thousands of these along the beach..... 

 My ride resting....waiting for the mechanic to come and take her away for another likely motor rebuild after only 1400k.....making weird notices.
 Safe travels hope to see you in Muskoka.....
 street scape San Vicente

 A dollar type store

 Foodie vendor

 The bridge which replaced the Ferry
to Bahia
 likely the old Ferry Dock with Bahia across the bay

 Pork on the barbie

 homemade sweets

 a bus ride 17 k between Canoa and San Vicente is $.50 and run on average every 15 minutes.
Why is it that I have no problem reading this but struggle remembering my Spanish vocabulary

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