Decided to get off my butt and take a trip to Barrio Lastarria….a bohemian neighbourhood closer to the centre of the city. It is near the subway line so I hoped a ride for 6 stops from my hotel.
It’s a older area of narrow streets with coffee houses, small shops and a collection of bars and restaurants. Bordering the North is a beltway of parks which I walked back to the hotel……this took me 3 hours……I stopped many times to enjoy the comfort of the benches along the way.
I did stop at a museum displaying some local artist……… My walk took me past San Cristobal Hill, a landmark from which you can get a magnificent view of the city….it is accessible by a tram or bus taking you to the top….though the rail system is closed until November for repairs.
That ribbon line is the tram rail…….I was a river/expressway and barrio away….the Santiago Zoo is about 1/2 way up the mountain………
The area near the barrio had a number of what I would call Art Deco type buildings;;;;;;;;
Even the pigeons were resting…….
Man it’s a long walk……….
a walkway over the river…..
Another 1/2 hour to the hotel if I don’t stop to rest……….
As i type this, I am listening to a sander going in the hall….they are painting…..yes at this hour….I may have mentioned earlier in a post……dinner is between 9-11pm…..then the bar scene till 2 am…followed by the dance scene till 5am…….that is the Chilean way…….
Other facts…….most young women smoke, wear short dresses with heels, kissing on escalators is common as is showing affection common in public……..99 % of women under 40 have long hair ….most to or below mid back………
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