The last few days I have wondered to North a few blocks and just taken random shots of buildings in this part of the city….new commercial construction is everywhere… some of the older homes I photographed will likely disappear in the next couple years……
Denny’s, Starbucks, Burger King, McDonalds, Dunkin Donut’s but no Timmy's’…….
This I took by holding the camera above the fenced yard as most of these places are hidden by 8 foot walls.
Many of these old homes have fancy
entries…..the gate was open so I snapped this……
Good News…..The bike sold….I was talking to a potential buyer when the Policia came along and asked if I was the owner of the bike…at least I think that is what they asked….si I replied and the officer motioned for me to go with another officer……now I should mention that these officers spend all day and 1/2 the night at the end of the street I reside on……usually occasionally pulling a motorcycle rider aside and asking for papers……ok I followed the officer in utter silence thinking he is taking me either to the cruiser or an Officer that can speak English…so when we arrive at the cruiser, I ask the new Officer if he speaks English…he just shakes his head sternly and is staring at his I phone….the other officer says something to him…they ask me a number of questions…I just stare blankly at them….and tell them I went into the hotel to get the key for the parking lot… bike was on the sidewalk along with other bikes for a short while…….at least I think its a parking issue….the words en venta come up…..translates to For SAle , si I reply….none of us has a clue what the other is saying…the officer who started all this comes along and with the waive of his hand I am told to go….what the @@@@@@@
I go back and with the assistance of the Hotel Receptionist translating for us…we make a deal and today EUROMOT after 2 hours in the NOTARY office is now Felipe Eduardo’s stead……..350,000 pesos……..Felipe with his friend………..
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