On the road about 830am under sunny warm conditions.......light traffic with Athir setting the pace at 80k....Stopped in San Clemente for breakfast.
... met a Harley Rider who wanted to lead us to Manta....At Charapoto he continued straight towards Portoviejo but we wanted the route through La Sequita so we peeled off to the right.....In Manta we found the Honda Dealer hoping to get a new ignition switch ...no luck.
We decided to seek some cool comfort at the mall after a short visit to the beach...we were drenched in our own swet. here a chocolate sundie and cone for Athir with the rest helped cool us off.....afterwards we took the scenic route off E15 along the coast but it intersected from time to time with E15.
Beach Development south of Manta
E15 Wash Out...stopped a few yards from here for lunch

Looks like it is permanently docked next to the hot tub
This is the skeleton of a 15.7 meter whale estimated to be 30 tu 35 years old.
Debating on another day in the area.....maybe tomorrow check out a nearby park ..then a night in Montanita...
You cant stay just one night in montanito...ha ha