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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Cuenca February 17-19 2019

Up early to explore the city. It is Sunday and very little traffic in the Old part of a walking tour was in order on a very sunny morning. First a history lesson......

 First Breakfast

 A walk along the east side of

A trip to the museum.....sorry it was a great trip through the past inside the museo but pictures were not allowed....however outside pics of parts of the early settlement where...... 

 Kilns for firing brick and tile

 an example of ponds built by the Canari/Incas in farming of food. The people of the time believed in a balance of nature. 

 which included birds and animals living in their home

 a view towards the new part of the city

 A Happy Couple
 Early Loom

Sunday city scape

 Central Park in the Old City

 Coffee Break

Monday included a walk about and 2 bus sight seeing tours which included The Famous Panama Hat Factory.

 Performers at stop lights hustling                        A weaver at the Panama Hat factory                      

 explaining how the plant is shredded to start the weaving process

 molds for the various shapes and sizing of hats

 semi finished product drying ... some awaiting dying

 dyed hats drying

 the pass test before the press shaping

 various molds for the press which will determine the hats shape

 the press

 the result

 brim press

 seamstress' applying the bands

 the company store with hats ranging from $ 35.00 to $ 5000.00.........price determined by tightness of the weave.

 $ 75.00 a near purchase

 The new Cathedral

 Cuenca has 54 Churches dating back to the 1500's 

Monday was time for a bus tour of the old city in the morning and one of the part of the city in the afternoon

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