This town has 4 large jean manufacturers, Fabrica Grammer, Dmarcos, Gissval and Romeos plus others in Tshirts, jackets etc. Jeans valued at $80.00US, SELL HERE FOR $6 TO $13.00. uNBELIEVABLE SELECTION OF INEXPENSIVE clothes.Busy day .......took a taxi to a to Pelileo a town north of Banos known for it's clothing market. The taxi including driver acted as a guide and stayed with us....1 hour drive both ways plus 1 hour as a guide...$25.00.
The afternoon we taxied with driver again as a guide to Pailon de Diablo ( Devil's Cauldron ) This was a work out as it took 20 minutes to hike down and longer back up.

Tomorrow we head for Cuenca for 4 nights
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