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Sunday, February 17, 2019

Banos-Feb 15-2019

Busy day .......took a taxi to a to Pelileo a town north of Banos known for it's clothing market. The taxi including driver acted as a guide and stayed with us....1 hour drive both ways plus 1 hour as a guide...$25.00.
This town has 4 large jean manufacturers, Fabrica Grammer, Dmarcos, Gissval and Romeos plus others in Tshirts, jackets etc. Jeans valued at $80.00US, SELL HERE FOR $6 TO $13.00. uNBELIEVABLE SELECTION OF INEXPENSIVE clothes.

The afternoon we taxied with driver again as a guide to Pailon de Diablo ( Devil's Cauldron ) This was a work out as it took 20 minutes to hike down and longer back up.

need to tuck the waist in

 this is as far as we went...getting soaked from the can see the bottom of the upper swing bridge 
 a long way down, the up again from there to another swing bridge...we never made it 
swing bridge


 almost to the top...need a beer

Tomorrow we head for Cuenca for 4 nights

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