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Friday, September 7, 2018

Reminiscing-September 07 2018

It was January 2017 looking back after shoveling the walk......what am I doing here......

 Shortly after I was on my laptop looking at bike tours in South America and stumbled upon FREEDOM TOURS Quito Ecuador. Emailed the info to Ken and Don with whom I would do a 2 week tour come summer....hey you guys interested in a 9 day tour.........Ken responded and 2 weeks later we boarded a flight to Quito.  

 Travelling in the Andes Feb 2017

2nd day out.....Officer is there a PROBLEM

 Things to do near Banos. Prior to Banos we had spent 2 nights at The Canoa Beach Hotel outside the small fishing/surf village of Canoa....something beckoned me back and after our Quebec Trip I looked for a place to buy a bike and return to Ecuador...thoughit turned out that I would purchase a bike in Peru and at the last minute Ken would join me for two weeks prior to Xmas.......I then headed for Ecuador when Ken returned to Canada. Spending the winter until March 26th in the warmth of the Pacific 

 Summer 2017....river flowing into the St Lawrence Quebec Canada

 The St Lawrence 

 Fall 2017 at a HORIZON UNLIMITED Meeting

I am at the meet with bike and Trailer....roughing

 some people pack lightly...this chap is travelling around the World

I am booked for 4 months at the Sundown Resort....looking forward to my return...and meeting up with new acquaintances made earlier

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