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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Killaloe Camping-September15th 2018

Summer is almost over and it was time to get the camper out on the road......been almost 2 years since I used it. When Ken invited me to join he and his wife I accepted. Saturday we left early with me following through Algonquin Park past the Polish settlements of Barry's Bay and Wilno where in 1864 300 polish immigrants set up camp and established a thriving village, Farming and logging which continues to this day.

Arriving at Covered Bridge Campground...little concerned that my rig would fit through.

here we ARE ALL SET UP shielding our eyes from the bright sunlight..................

 Ken looking for a spot to set up his Sat Receiver for TV.......after all you need the comforts of home....

that is until you get out for some exercise and sight seeing on the river.....

Ken and Carol caught up in the weeds...

Ken examining a Beaver run and hut.

On the edge of Round Lake with a shallow sandy beach....I see my camera has a flaw in the inside of the lense.

 Entering Round Lake from the river...

 I am falling behind the two seasoned kayakers....

A couple creatures enjoying the sun

Returning to camp

Day 1 we paddled almost 15k.....this is day 2 going down the river and covering about 12k.....Ken uses a GPS tracker which records our route. Day 2 required maneuvering through a rapid section....the return was harder through a short section but we managed

This evening we would enjoy sitting around the camp fire gazing at the stars as we would for the next two.....

My friends happy after a GEO cache find about a k off the road .........this day #3 saw us covering close to 14k with me lagging behind again...I think due to a sticky brake

 Day# 4 involved about 100k in Ken's truck Geo Caching in the area where we completed the day with a meal out at the famous Wilno Tavern which has been continuously operated for over 100 years. Though I have eaten lunches passing through here on motorcycle trips , I had not previously tried the traditional polish meal. So this night I enjoyed Polish sausage, perogy, cabbage roll and mashed potatoes on a bed of sauerkraut . Wednesday we packed up and headed home......  


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