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Saturday, March 17, 2018

Canoa to Cuenca-March 17 2018 Cuenca to Loja March 18 2018

Juliya and I left Sundown at 6:30 am under warm sunny conditions but by afternoon we would be riding in fog and heavy rain before reaching Cuenca about 6 pm. Booked in at Chasky Wasy a place I stayed at over Christmas........a luke warm shower helped the chill of being wet for half the day but the wine and a nice dinner at a Mexican Restaurant more than topped of a good day.
 ready to roll

 mini breakfast early1st stop

Above Cuenca...highest elevation

A late start around noon was a mistake as we would ride in rain for the better part of the afternoon....though it did lead to an interesting stop over in a quaint town called Cumbe just about a 1/2 hour outside of Julia had a mechanic adjust her bike for altitude and while he was doing that we wandered into the town where Juliya purchased a replacement rain suite for the one she tore yesterday.....we stayed a little longer after the bike was adjusted for lunch.....rain suites were in order shortly after........but both of us ended up soaked again....Juliya due to a tear again in the trousers and me with leaking seams. We arrived about 6:45 and found a hostel  before heading out to a Parrilla Meat dinner and bottle of wine to wash it down........tomorrow I head off on my own and say goodbye to a new friend....thanks Juliya for getting me this far....
 Bike in for repair

 The pueblo of Cumbe

 pig on tap...I think she is hungry

 she needs a rain suite

 late afternoon coffee break and rain suite repair


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