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Thursday, March 8, 2018

Canoa Still Chilling-March 8 2018

I am the only one left of the original transient group......Dave from Ottawa showed up last week and this is his 3rd year visiting Sundown......this week Seta from India but now living in Toronto On. arrived. The bike is running smoothly and I have taken it out almost daily for short runs. The longest was a trip along the Chone River to break the new engine parts in.....100k....then change out the oil to 100% synthetico as per Toby's instructions.
 Sangeetha (Seta) & Dave
 My break in ride took me across the Chone River which was blocked by Debris caught up under this bridge......result of heavy rains the night before. I would encounter mud numerous times from small landslides along the way.....and by the time I reached Bahia on a circular route I was covered in mud.....

 On the west side of the Chone camaron farms.....

 The Bahia/San Vicente bridge in the distance

 In need of a good cleaning riding suite required getting into the shower with it on and soaping while showering....

 Daily walks on the beach meeting these riders exercising their horses........

 Marine life, likely discarded by fishermen after recovering their catch from the nets 

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