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Thursday, March 22, 2018

Tocache-Huanuco Peru March 21 2018

 Rained all night....heard thunder and rain beating down on the roof...actually enjoyed the sound but feared what morning might bring. Awoke to a steady drizzle and left in the same about 8;30am, . Road conditions for the 1st hour where sketchy with short gravel sections and numerous potholes....the rain making it difficult to see the hazards at speed....lento pero seguro...
I stopped for breakfast at an outdoor cafe in the pueblo Aucayacu...2 eggs on a bed of rice with 2 fried plantines, coffee...$5.00 soles=$1.55 US.
A chap on a bicycle stopped and sat at my table talking Spanish...I said ...lo siento no te entiendo...but he smile and I caught that he wanted to know where I was from...CANADA...his eyes brightened and with a big smile held out his hand welcoming me to his country. He wanted his photo taken with both our bikes....then another hand shake and touching of our rings he was off.

 I was surprised at the size of Tinga Maria and noted that it was a clean prosperous looking place with numerous large hotels, restaurants and of course traffic. I would soon enter the mountains and more rain but as I descended to the lower elevation just before Huanuco it stopped.

 What is it...he waived as he passed

This mode of transportation is common and I note that from here on the tuk tuks will be hard shelled..the northern ones are all canvas.
 Would soon enter the mountains and more rain.

 Saw many of these along the way/drying beans

 Descent begins ...another 2 hours before Huanuco

The welcoming crew at Around the Block Moto Adventures who purchased the bike and prep ed it for my journey....missing are Toby & Sarah Shannon who are currently in the USA.

Today, I will take a Tuk down town to Star airlines and purchase a ticket for a flight to Lima on the 26th as I fly home to Canada early ( 1:30am ) on the 27th....... 

 Julia on route to Cuenca in better weather than my ride to Huanuco.


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