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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Canoa Gone Exploring-March 10/11 2018

  The past week I have had the company of a lovely young woman from Kazakhstan, Julyia (Luba)  who yesterday took me to a waterfall which most travellers would never see.......she has been coming to Canoa for the past 5 years and rides a moto. 
 This destination initially took us more directly but on curvy roads ( not Shown as Google maps cannot locate it ) so it was more a circular route. From San Isidro we entered a gravel road leading us to a trail head which we followed on foot to a remote farm house, Julyia, negotiated passage through her property for .50 each but gave her $2.00. The climb in and out was strenuous with the hot sun beating down and wearing full riding gear, as we had to carry all our possessions, having parked the bikes on the side of the road. a kilometer away.
 We rode back to San Isidro for a chicken Lunch 
 This was our group from Sundown as of March 10th...missing is Geta ( Sangeetha ) . Juliya and I rode out to the Micro Brewery and joined our friends on our return.
Pictured L to R Barry Reid ( Huntsville Ontario now full time in Canoa ) Dave ( Ottawa ) Patricia ( New York) Juliya ( Luba )( Kazakastan ) Don ( California, now full time Canoa )....the alcohol at the brew is 8% so you must be careful to limit one's consumption....later this evening the party continued at Don's residence over wine and beer...not a good mix but enjoyable amongst new friends.

 Today,Sunday we rode up to Jama and out to the coast where Julyia purchased a 13k fish to feed 11 of us at Sundown this evening. Trying to stuff a 3 plus metre fish in the top box of her moto was interesting.....
Sunday Juliya planned on barbecuing a fish for all at Sundown....11 in all including Tony and Chris from next door plus 2 more young Canadians who arrived Saturday.....This led us to a beach Town outside Jama...( Ken if you are reading this the road to the beach was next to the Service Station we fuelled up where they were replacing the bridge and I used the handy cap washroom in error ).....Why so far away from Canoa a fishing village itself....not sure and I didn't ask...haha. The fish Luba purchased was 13 lbs and a short battle ensued to get it in the top box of her moto.

 Juliya preparing....smothered in onions,tomatoes, mayo and previously marinated in Lemon (Lime) juice.....Dave would do the barby while Julia and Roxanne made a salad.  


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