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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Febr 07-2017 Ecuador Day 5

Ken is up early.....his bike is loaded and parked ready to head out as I just start loading mine. He meanders over for breakfast as I pack. A typical breakfast is Eggs, cheese, juice and bread ( toast is not normal ) with some kind of re fried beans. Dinner last night was beans, rice and chicken....a little to well done for my liking but perfect for Ken....dessert was 2 slices of bread with what looked like brown sugar on the bottom piece and a dob of maybe honey on the top slice. I mistook this as bread being served with the meal and dove into bad. Ken was slower and observed the table next to us eating the slices with a fork.

We leave with a slight drizzle and for most of the morning it is overcast.....we are back tracking to Vinces.....Vinces claims the best chocolate in the World. Our route takes us to Quevedo a rather large city in which we are learning to ride like the locals and it is hairy as you get squeezed between buses and passing taxis. We survive. The city is known for its food processing industry....making ketchup and hot sauces. The city was largely established by Chinese immigrants in the 1920' it has many oriental Restaurants.....the finest is said to be the Chifa Jade but we arrive early and it is Chinese for Ken today as we get an ice cream bar next door and press on.
Steep mountain passes
We journey through large Palm Plantations.........odd we think but learn that this is a cash crop. Palm oil is a non trans fat oil and is found in most things on our shelves like cereals,french fries, sweets, baked goods, to soaps, washing powders and cosmetics. It is rarely listed on products as processors simply list it in Vegetable oil.......It can also be used in animal feed and as a bio fuel.

We stop at a Cantina on the edge of Pilalo which is in the mountains at an elevation of  12000 we have lunch .....though we ordered pollo we get stringy beef with a potatoe, beans and plenty of rice which is served with just about every meal....drink is a coke $ 2.50. we give out some gum to the Chicas before leaving to climb higher passing 13000 feet.........Ken is feeling light headed.

We make a left at The outskirts of Zumbahua a picturesque town built on a steep mountainside. Continuing on, we are on twisty roads, as we have been for the past 3 hours even going into the clouds at 12000 to 13000 feet....not being able to see more than 20 feet.....and this is all switch back riding on great tarmack....It is along the route to the Quiltoa Crater Lake...a water filled caldera and the most western volcano in the Ecuadorian Andes.....the lake is 3 k wide and was caused by the collapse of the rim of a VE1-6 eruption 800 years ago. It must have been very catastrophic as we see volcanic ash 4 to 6 feet deep where the road has been carved into the mountain sides. Along this road we hand out most of our remaining gum to the local kids....they seem overjoyed with this as the gum is in small colorful plastic heart shaped with various pics depicting Christmas.

It cost us a dollar to enter the park and we ride up, near the is awesome....hoping we can escape before it blows.

We then ride a few more miles to Mama Hilda's Hostel in Chugchilan another quaint mountain village

Many more pics...will post when I have high speed internet.........
The stop from yesterday warning us of banditos

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