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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Day 9-Febr 11-2017 Final Day Ecuador

After a great breakfast and story telling of the huge critter Ken encountered last night; as told in yesterdays post....we headed out on our last days ride to Quito.
Up in that canopy somewhere are monkeys swinging from branch to .......

a stop for lunch near a Resort with mineral hot springs

The Resort in the distance
This restaurant is made from recycled shipping containers
Entering Quito the back route.

Quito in the distance

narrow streets in The Bohemian District

Ken, I warned you about drinking those 2 Large Beer.....

We arrived at Freedom Bike Rentals about 2 pm and by the time we repacked and sorted the paper work, walked to end of street and hailed a cab, it was 4.30pm as we arrived at the Quito Airport which is about 27 miles out of the city.....We had a long wait, our plane didn't leave until 1am.

We arrived in Houston Texas close to 5;30am and went through a long line in customs which took about 1 1/2 hours or so it seemed. This airport is huge.....we walked a distance before Ken talked a lady on a golf type cart to take us to Section B.....another short walk and we had to take a tram to our loading dock......good thing we had 3 1/2 hours between flights.......arrived in Toronto during a snow storm....lucky to land as I heard they cancelled flights in and out least 3 custom checks to get back into Canada with both Ken and I having secondary security checks....guess the Police Officer didn't like the Horizon Unlimited slogan on the back of my tee shirt which read......Border Crossings are Only in Your he stopped me as I cleared customs and asked me what Logo on the front of said shirt meant and nothing about the slogan.....he did want to know if I had any electronics and replying yes, I have a computer, he wanted to know why, I replied that I Blog, then he asked if I took pictures, da, YES....then he said where is your friend, I said likely in the taxi by now....when actually he had returned and was hiding behind a post.......Home to get to our car.....dig it out.....head home in the storm,,,arriving about 4;30pm, I spent 1 1/2 hours

digging out enough room to get my car off the road......Ken's wife Carol had invited me to dinner that a quick Carol & Ken's where I enjoyed to helpings of Roast Pork with all the trimmings of potatoes, carrots fresh beans and apple pie (2)........gaining back the 4 lbs I had lost during the trip........Thanks Carol for a delicious meal.....

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