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Friday, February 3, 2017

Day 1 ON THE BIKES- Feb 3 2017 Ecuador

The start of hunt for GEO Cache

Ken is up there somewhere in the clouds

In the cloud forest

my room for tonight...all to myself

After a hardy breakfast, we walked to Freedom Rentals arriving at 9;15 am.....finally on road by noon. Following Ken who was following the GPS....we made it out of the city by 1 pm in HEAVY lane splitting for us......all the bikes flew by us, the locals must have figured we were newbies. 1st stop was the Equator Monument but it was closed for a private function.....Starts to rain....put rain jacket on....big mistake without pants .....end up soaked at days end.....KEN CLIMBS A MOUNTAIN LOOKING FOR A geo cACHE....FAILS TO FIND IT....GONE ALMOST AN HOUR WHILE i GUARD THE BIKES...RETURNS EXHAUSTED.....HAS TO PAY $ 5.00 WHEN HE RETURNS...NOT A HAPPY CAMPER....We do some off roading through the cloud is teaming and the road is constantly changing directions sometimes only 90 degees other 180....Ken is having a hard time seeing...the road wines through the traffic.....course gravel, pot holes and mud....but FUN...we are soaked. A humming bird centre is in its midst but we stop only for a photo is raining to hard to see anything so we push on.
more ended up

1 comment:

  1. Bob, Thanks for blogging this adventure with Ken. Ken and I are friends in Muskoka and I am sorry he did not find the cache. He was looking forward to it. Take you 2. All the best.
