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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Alaska-End of Story


This was a great trip…….met many people from all walks of life , different countries and of various ages. The interaction with all was positive and in the end a humbling experience.

Scenery was spectacular…….22 hours of day light difficult to get accustom to and wild life almost as abundant as if one was at the Zoo.

Now on my mis adventure……..went to family Dr on tuesday for final twin rex vacination and follow up to Golden Hospital report. Dr Gair ordered new Xrays and on Wed at 9am they were taken and I was detained pending the Surgeon, Dr Gupta, talking with Gair….back to the hospital Wednesday afternoon….I am now considered Ambulatory …..must be good because no waiting in Emerg….bumped to head of line…LOL….after some discussions with Gupta, I learn that I have 3 fractures possibly 6 and a partial collapsed right lung….no big deal but they are concerned about the 15 to 20 % of air outside of the lung wall…….it is decided that because the accident was more than a week ago that they would let me go home and I was to be back at 9am for more x rays and a decision on inserting a tube…YUK…would be made.

Ok up early, packed an overnight bag just in case…..X rays taken….Dr Gupta notes no change which I think is a good thing….says he is sending me home with 1 restriction… flying for 8 weeks….I took that literally. Should I experience extreme pain or shortness of breath call him……gave me his card…..allow 6 weeks for ribs and I should be good for the CA & South America trek on or about Sept 2nd…….this will be the start of a new blog.

Thank you for following along……..


  1. Yikes, you must be one tough nut if you've been walking around with 3 to 6 cracked ribs. At least I assume the fractures are ribs ?

    Glad to hear the accident didn't damper your apetite for more travel in South America in the fall.

    Did they at least give you some good pain killers ?


  2. They offered pain drugs in Golden but I said no...wanted to feel my limitations...though later I questioned my decision...LoL

  3. Take care Bob! I had a lung colaps on me, and it fixed itself...guess I am just a big windbag... Glad you are down well. What are you going to do with the bike?

    1. Thanks......I will try and repair it when I come back from South America......I need the complete fairing and dash...maybe more

  4. Stay well my friend!! Great adventure and the best is ahead of you. Lets do a ride before you leave!!

  5. Thanks Greg....away July 21st to 28th....then hit the road again on Sept 2.....Lunch is still open....just let me know when you can come up
