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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Alaska Day 9 770k


TODAY  I was up at 7 and on the road early…..rode to Whitehorse and posted yesterday’s blog at Macs while I enjoyed a BiG Breaky.

After that I took the Alaska Hwy to Tok…..most of the ride was good did hit some rough spots about 1 hour from Tok on the US side that bottomed out the bike nearly sending me off the road….going way to fast…must slow down. At this rate I will be home in 2 weeks…….in and out of showers but for the most part sun and cloud as you will see in the picks……Met some bikers but all except 2 where going the other direction and on Adventure style bikes. The 2 going to there home here in Alaska where returning fom a 3 week trip into Washington State and Yellowstone Park…..he said they hit some real bad weather and in some of the passes had to shovel snow drifts to get his bike and the wifes through…so how can I complain about a little cold.Alaska Day 9 6 1 12 003 Alaska Day 9 6 1 12 009 Alaska Day 9 6 1 12 011 Alaska Day 9 6 1 12 005 Alaska Day 9 6 1 12 006 Alaska Day 9 part 2 6 1 12 007 Alaska Day 9 6 1 12 001 Alaska Day 9 6 1 12 023 Alaska Day 9 6 1 12 010 Alaska Day 9 6 1 12 015 Alaska Day 9 part 2 6 1 12 009


1 comment:

  1. Bob, The 770K you post at the header - surely that is not what you rode today !!??

    Today I drove from Port Aux Basques to Clarenville, a total of 702KMS And that's the most I've even driven in one day - by probably double no less. Sure wouldn't want to drive those distances everyday.

    Pictures are stunning.
