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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Alaska Day 25-OVER


Accident, total bike, breaks locked at 90k or so lost control. I hit the pavement, the bike went across the hwy into the ditch.

Doug or Don if you read this go to your email….need to see if you can come to Golden BC and retreve me and bike with my truck….if we can find the keys.


bob  my cell is dead


  1. Hi Sharon,
    The hospital xrayed my neck and ribs.....I HAVE contusions on my right side a few scrapes on my left hand and leg with a bruised left hip.....but I am released...I wish I could say the same for my bike will rest a few days....friends are coming from Ontario to retreave us.

  2. Wow Bob, I am so sorry to hear this news !!! I am glad you came away with relatively minor injuries considering the speed at which you went down. You said the brakes locked ? Did this just happen out of the blue or had there been some indication of an issue prior ? Was it on gravel or asphalt. I will tru you on regular email channels as well. Take Care and get yourself healed up ! Is Don coming out to get you ?

    Jim Crook

  3. Bob, Don, Doug or anyone reading this who might have further updates please email me so I can keep our riding group apprised of Bobs, health, situation and return plans.

    Send to

