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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Alaska Day 20 500-k


It was about 9:30 pm last evening when the trucks north bound started rolling by…..the northbound road block was at Watson Lake which is appr. 250 k from Teslin Yukon…but the damage was only in one area; however, they were concerned that a bridge might go and closed the stretch between to major centers on The Alaska Hwy. Six days…alot of traffic piles up in that time. I met many Rv & adventure bikes heading north. Interesting that most were BMW Gs models, no VStroms or Tigers.Alaska 6 12 12  back on the road 001 the stretch that had been closed. this timber came from the mountain on the opposite side of the road and likely ran along the road about 1/4 mile…..the water was still spilling down the hill and through a large culvert with half the road washed out to a depth of about 20 feet……no pic couldn’t stop.

Just before Watson Lake, I turned south onto nthe Cassier hwy # 37. this is motorcycle paved track, all rollers and twistys so far over the 150 k I have been on it….with little traffic ….no white lines or shoulders. Watch for bears ….saw one BIG BLACK BEAR… courage to stop.

Alaska 6 12 12  back on the road 004   Alaska 6 12 12  back on the road 006  Alaska 6 12 12  back on the road 007 Alaska 6 12 12  back on the road 012

Tonight I am about 150 miles down hwy 37…..likely the same distance north of Smithers BC at a valley called Iskut. The Rv Park is in a valley well below the hwy,Mountain Shadow RV as the pic will explain the name.Alaska 6 12 12  back on the road 018 view from my cabinAlaska 6 12 12  back on the road 019 my 56.00 cabin no bathroom, its down the hill and it is spotless.Alaska 6 12 12  back on the road 022 Alaska 6 12 12  back on the road 023 from below the cabinAlaska 6 12 12  back on the road 027 at the lake

Expect a good sleep to night…….till tomorrow


  1. Glad to hear you got moving again Bob ! I'm sure you were getting eager to go ? How has
    the bike been, any troubles or has it just purred like a kitten ?


    1. Yes it is nice to be on the move again...currently in Smithers purring like a kitten though it could use an oil change

  2. Great to hear you are rolling again...

  3. Replies
    1. Great need to see the wide angle view...awesome
