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Monday, June 11, 2012

Alaska Day 19 0-k


Still trapped….Hwys guys said this afternoon…maybe….miles of NOrth Bound tractors with Fuel and food goods and other cargo would be passed through first……then northbound campers..followed by cars. South bound would be next. It’s Almost 9 pm haven’t seen any trucks…can you imagine how long this is going to take to move 6 days of pile up from both ends……the closure covers 50 miles of road….how many slides and washouts. Its been dry for 4 days here but we are 52 k from the closure and weaqther really varies here over short distances. Elevation and valleys play a big roll.

One pic today of an Eagle next to my camp site……..Alaska Johnson Crossing Eagle 004 Alaska Johnson Crossing Eagle 005



  1. Hang in there Bob... you will be rolling again soon! Great shot of the Eagle...

    1. Mobile at 8 am......trucks started going past at 9:30 pm....hardly got any sleep as they come across A LONG span bridge then climb a steep hill. The washout / slide was about 2 hours away, but the northbound road block was close to 4

  2. Cool better pic then I have been able to get one.

    1. It was outside the restaurant at the Rv Park......I had missed it earlier about 8 am. It was sitting on the railing of the long span bridge at Johnston's Crossing Yukon.

  3. Cool better pic then I have been able to get one.
