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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Alaska Day 18 A&B


It is 7:30 am, ckecked Yukon Road Report, road still closed. Now 3;30 pm, rumour that road north may open tonight to allow 1st the trucks with refridgeration units through so goods don’t spoil, fuel trucks etc. If so hopefully by tomorrow night all the backlog has moved south and I may be able to move again. Today, I spent leisurely except for a couple hours in which I cut grass around the main lodge. Lovely, sunny day but it is currently clouding over.More rain will cause more landslides.

Last evening I met a fellow riding a BMw GS 1200 from Colorado. He has been retired a number of years from Miller….the beer co….spending most of his time travelling….RV’d Australia….then commission a catermaran built and sailed it for 2 years along the barrier reef. Sold it and returned home to become an adventure biker…he is a regular poster on Adventure Rider. This afternoon a Brazilan Rider on a GSA 1200 arrived to wait out the closure…speaks little English and me no Spanish. He has been on the road 2 months… was shipped to Mexico. He was wearing the fancy BMW Motorrad Uniform…..must have $. I am amazed at the number of bikers my age enjoying the sport as I am. Just to bad that I couldn’t share a conversation with this gentleman.      

Tonight, the ladies are serving a roast beef dinner. Dnner was delicous bread pudding for dessert. Group pic afterwards of strandees .alaska group stranded 004  Bob from Colorado has hs arm around Andrea, Leslie holding dog are the owners. Absent from pic is James the Brazilian Biker.alaska group stranded 001 Bob from Colorado and his GS


  1. Must be some major blockage on that road! Hope you get back on the road soon...

  2. yes......road is still closed for 50 mile stretch with washouts and landslides....been 5 days. hwys people in today am to tell us it would likely open this afternoon.they would let the tracto trailers through 1st heading North....apparently backed up for miles.......then the camper units mixed with cars....then the southbound traffic. It is 8;45 pm.....nothing going past yet.....I am 52 k north of the closure. maybe tomorrow...
