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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Alaska day 13

My View out the window this amAlaska Day 13 001 

I am sitting in a Rocker on the office porch of the Green Acres RV park outside Delta Junction. I rode today from Denali Park which is about 100. miles west of Fairbanks near Healy. Great ride with minimal traffic though as the morning went on I met a number of Tour Buses heading for the Park and likely a village called Talkeetna. this village seems to be an attraction for tourist seeking artistic crafts or trail riding, white water rafting and airplane sightseeing. I took the 14 mile detour to check it out. The train also stops and takes people on a sight seeing trip. It was busy.

Stopped for breakfast at Rosie’s Dinner……from the outside it did not look inviting. I only stopped because the place was packed with cars…so must be ok….yes inside it was as clean as can be and the food excellent. A specialty are moose burgers… on the wall they have past patrons.Alaska Day 13 003 Alaska Day 13 002 

Hit Fairbanks around noon and stopped for a coffee and went looking for a camping spot…..waited at one place for an hour… one showed up so I left, as I was already on the Richardson Hwy I stormed off towards Tok. Thought I might try my luck at panning for gold. Found a Tin plate and stopped near a likely gold strewn spot and dipped into the creek bed. My plate bent in every direction as I tried to swirl the water around spilling the lighter sand and letting the heavier gold nuggets fall to the bottom. At least that’s how it was done on the Discovery Channel.

It must be the plate I used…..I think it had to be real tin and not a tin  foil one….so no luck….heres the creekAlaska Day 13 007 Alaska Day 13 004 Alaska Day 13 005 Well, the creek was next to these signs so I figured the obvious, it would yield pay dirt, everyone else would have thought it can’t be simply posted.

So this is how most of those early prospectors felt…down, what a bummer……Alaska Day 13 012    my resting spot for the night.



  1. Holy crap dude! You are way way up north! Great commentary and pictures! Can't wait to see where you go next. Did you have a moose burger?

  2. PS. Sorry you didnt find any gold nuggets.

    1. Yes, I had one but layer in the ride.....thought I might be in Texas as everything is bigger here....including the prices. LOL....the nuggets no but gold dust , yes

  3. Hard to read your type..blends into the wall paper....just fyi...going to try and read about your great trips.
