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Monday, June 4, 2012

Alaska Day 12 680k


It’s now 10 40 am I have been sitting in the cafe, since 8 waiting for the fog to lift, so I can get on the road…..don’t want to hurt a MOOSE.

Heard from Paul Hewgood, a rider from my home town, who I have yet to meet but have spoken to via phone and the internet re our trip. Paul was to fly out to Vancouver and meet up with his new KTM which was to precede him on a truck. That carrier had an accident, now Paul is driving his bike out to Prince George where he will meet up with some other riders and head for Deadhorse. Hopefully our paths will cross in Fairbanks.

Fog is lifting and look what just went by the window…dare I had to run out to my bike to get the camera or I would have had a close up from 10 ft. A cow and her little calf…so cute…..note the fogAlaska At Cafe 001 Alaska At Cafe 002

Stopped in Ankorage for lunch, the ride from camp for the 60 or so miles of twisties would have been fun but for the fog.

Intent was to go to Seward then Homer but I became lost and ticked with my GPS, the weather didn’t look promising so I turned for Fairbanks. I am currently in Denali RV Park in a 65. plus tax motel unit. Its clean….no restaurant near, so I had popcorn, 1 Reese Bar and a coke…I will take 2 Colestrol pills tonight.

The following pics are 1st of the Glacier I show yesterday, the balance are Denali State Park, Mt McKinley and the Tourist Trap nearby. The Harley pic is for Denise.alaska day 12 6 5 12 002   

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  1. Hey Nice post. I am learning fast about RV things these days. I want to know are caravan park and RV park are the same thing? If not, what is the difference between both of them?

    1. Simone, I sent a reply directly earlier but in case it went astray...both mean the same. I believe Caravan is a European term for lets go Rving in north america

  2. Bob, you've sure had your share of fog, rain and wind so far on this trip. Looks like some really beautiful scenery though !


    1. Today the 9th the sun is shinning in a cloudless sky but I am stranded near Teslin Yukon due to landslides and wash outs,
      SEE CBC NEWS Yukon or google Tukon Road Report

  3. Very envious....wish we were there...98 degrees in Texas today.

  4. Love the moose in the fog! Stay safe Bob...

  5. currently in Delta Junction Alaska temp 70 degrees and breezy. I was in Texas last year and understand what 98 is like....hope you can turn the air conditioner up.

    Thanks for folloing
