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Monday, November 18, 2019

Preparing to Return to Ecuador-November 18th 2019

January 05th 2020 will be my return date to Ecuador. Air Canada as at December will fly directly to Quito Ecuador 3 times a week.

I have decided to purchase a motorcycle in Quito upon my arrival and have narrowed my choices to 4. My Russian friend Julia is in Ecuador and has been kind to assist in this endeavor as she is multi lingual. we will meet on the 6th and visit Casa Exito and Marcimex Co. in Quito. Below are my considerations....

The Grand Tourismo is 200cc and $3200.00 USD......Julia has recently met with the owner of IMG who distribute the brand and may get a deal on a demo which will be introduced at the Horizon Unlimited meet in Ecuador November 22nd.......the Orange Axxo is currently the leading contendor due to the price and bags...followed  by the Daytona 200 as I like its looks......but would add the bags....The Adventure is a nice looking bike but from past experience the seating long distance is not very comfortable...

A friend who has joined me twice on trips in South America will be arriving on January 25th with his son and 2 amigos to enjoy an 11 day Self Guided Tour with Sleipner out of Quito. Julia and I will accompany this group with David Garcia of Sleipner having arranged all the accommodations ,bikes etc with GPS daily routes to follow.......more to come on that as it happens....

Stay tuned........


It has been my experience having had 3 different Chinese bikes in South America that you do not need more than a 200 to 250cc bike to enjoy the roads of South America if you are one up....though many have ridden the length of SA 2 up with luggage on less. The cost of shipping your bike 1 way from North America, Europe, Africa or Australia is more than the price of a brand new Chinese moto .....these bikes are dependable and easy to have repaired at low $ .......why wear out your BMW or Tiger/Suzuki/Honda..... Insurance and licence is around $200.00.

Stay tuned..........

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