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Thursday, April 4, 2019

Week before departure- March 21/26th 2019

Spent the past few days enjoying the beach , prepping the bike for it's return to Ishia and a good deal of time at the Canoa Beach Hotel for a few cervezas' with Johnny, Julia and Alla as well as Greg the owner of said hotel.
 waiting for Julia/Johnny ....cerveza hour 

 on the road to Montanita to return my moto

 stop for lunch in Olon just 4k north of Montanita

 Montanita Beach

 the quiet before the party begins

 Dollarama on wheels


 my ride waiting in front of my hostel for Ishia to pick up while I wait with a cerveza across the street. Tomorrow I catch a bus to Guayaquil for my flight to Lima Peru where I will wait 6 hours for my overnight flight to Toronto Ontario. 
 Not snow


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