I am behind in updates and will post a few pics taken since last Saturday...........
I have been here 2 weeks and this is the 3rd Turtle I have come upon....deceased...likely drowned in a fisherman's net and cast overboard......sad ....each has been about 3 feet in diameter.
This is Luis...standing inside the home he is building for his family.....you will notice that the support beams are concrete...this is typical construction with all the supports reinforced with steel rod.
In many of my pictures you see clouds....I am thank full for them as it is blazing hot when the sun is out.....so hot that you cannot walk barefoot on the sand. I am told that Canoa only gets about 100 days of Full Sun but just 17 k away they get many more......the sun does appear most days if only for a few hours ........
Luis took me to the local San Vincente market today where I purchased 2 pounds of Camarone or 20 for $ 10.00....see the size of them......I am hoping that Luis, my Spanish Instructor doesn't have a nervous breakdown as my progress is no muy bueno......he has a very difficult student possibly with attention deficit disorder and a touch of dementia.......not a good combination.
Sad about sea turtles. They are amazing. Have you seen craft stores were venders sellhand made figures of turtles? If so send some photos. Be well