Not a lot to report ......other than doing poorly in my Spanish 1 on 1....not the fault of my tutor but of the ....maybe...lento pero seguro .....o...poco a poco......espero......
The above pictures taken in the early evening before sunset with the exeption of the 2 above taken in the morning with the tide out ...... the 3rd and 4th show the beach towards San Vicente and to Canoa....17 kilometers of peaceful enjoyment.
do any of my Muskoka Ontario Canada followers recognize Barry.....his Dad is Paul Reid, brother was a lawyer Tom Reid......all are from Huntsville a town 24 miles from my home town of Bracebridge......can the world get any smaller...
The pictures do not capture the it is about 30 degrees looking downhill....Barry's entire 5 acres is on a side of a hill and he has planted fruit trees,, including many banana, chocolate, corn, pineapple, mango etc and within 3 years these plants are mature and starting to produce.....I did not know that the banana tree only yields one crop...then is cut down for a new plant to mature and repeat the process.
Don, a permanent resident here from California, invited Tom and I to join him on a tour of a local eco farm and micro brewery about 7 k outside of Canoa this morning. First was a stop at noon in the village..... a beach side bar and eatery known as Charlies.
Next we taxied ti Finca Verde the Eco Farm owned by Barry Reid.....who quit the rat rice of the corporate world to pursue an Eco sustainable existence thousands of miles from home.
Barry was a corporate recruiter in down town Toronto before turning his back on that life....his means of travel...a horse and bicycle....the farm is on a dirt path 7 k from Canoa....a long way from the brick and motor and glitz of Toronto....
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