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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Manitoulin Rally-July 20-13


Friday am I hitched the 5th wheel and motorcycle trailer to the truck and headed to the 3rd annual rally for bikes on Providence Bay Manitoulin Isl…….Green Acres Campground just outside Little Current found me a place to set up. Manitoulin  Rally Weekend 7 20 13 001 Early this am I headed for Providence Bay approx 1/2 hr away……Breakfast was being served at the town hall and for 8.00 included pancakes eggs sausage ham toast and coffee……I had my fill. Wandered up to the fairgrounds to see what was taking place.Manitoulin  Rally Weekend 7 20 13 051  While standing about a young fellow asked if I would like to join his group for an adventure ride.I was happy to par take and off  we went on back roads to Lake Huron. Now as some of you know Don and I had a mishap on gravel, we were riding dirt…….now I must admit that it was easier without a fully loaded bike but these guys and gals rode like it was an enduro race. Believe me when I say they reached speeds over 100 k on gravel….not I.Manitoulin  Rally Weekend 7 20 13 012 Manitoulin  Rally Weekend 7 20 13 014 They even had a camera crew following in a jeep.Manitoulin  Rally Weekend 7 20 13 032 Manitoulin  Rally Weekend 7 20 13 033 This gal was one of the organizers and publishes a magazine for women riders….she also instructs and needless to say I was intimidated.Manitoulin  Rally Weekend 7 20 13 037 This fellow is part of the committee who organized the rally and equally great rider.Manitoulin  Rally Weekend 7 20 13 023 A group photo. Most were riding BMW……..Manitoulin  Rally Weekend 7 20 13 038  Manitoulin  Rally Weekend 7 20 13 040 Lunch of Fresh Fish and Chips was at this hotel with Collin the chap who invited me paying for our entire tableManitoulin  Rally Weekend 7 20 13 045 Collin is the chap in the lower left……great guys and gals.Manitoulin  Rally Weekend 7 20 13 046 Manitoulin  Rally Weekend 7 20 13 048 Here we are at the end of the Island………Manitoulin  Rally Weekend 7 20 13 057 What’s this you say….well it was a rodeo on 2 wheels and Ladies bite the weenie from a moving bike……..this couple won…….

A great day……I didn’t stay for the dance with the live band…….beer tent to tempting and I had a ways to ride… I headed home to Blog…..


  1. Commenting on my blog.....the Blonde in the photo is Vicky Gray publisher of the womens bike magazine....MOTORESS....Vicky is from the Netherlands now making TO here home.....ckeck out her magazine by googling it

  2. Bob, Great to see you got the 5th Wheel out and had a fun time. Now keep 'er all hooked up and keep driving.....West !

  3. Denise, I did consider it but I have a house and all the trappings that go with might say baggage.....bills, up keep and stuff collected over a life time...LOL
    See you have been getting out on the bike,,,great to have good friends around.....D....I misplace your BROS address can you send it.......

    1. CORRECTION...Vicky is Canadian and went to Holland to work but returned to Canada......she is obviously an adventurer having raced bikes in Europe: as well, she is a certified bike instructer.....
