Today was in search of FISH…….turns out had to be a certain type caught by a certain company. A friend had put in a request for SMOKED FISH…fillets to include Cajun and Lemon Pepper…….checking about Little Current all the people I approached referred me to COLD WATER FISHERY, located in town. So I email my friend and this am check my email and he has replied…IN NO WAY IS HE EATING TAME FISH….well that is what I read between the lines….he wanted the WILD KIND……not some farmers fish. Bridal Falls
Down Rigger?
It was a nice day for a long ride, so off I go to the far end of the Island looking for PURVIS FISHERY……now I must add that this fishery is in 5th generation hands….the founding brothers having immigrated from Scotland in the 1800’s establishing a fishery business near Silver Water on Burnt Island. Not sure why its an Island didn’t need a ferry and sure didn’t cross a bridge. Arriving around noon the place was empty except for fish skins and guts on the floor…..found who may have been the owner, who seemed disinterested in my request for fish, waited around and soon 2 friendly ladies came back from lunch and happily took my order. Soon, I had 4 fillets of each and parted with $46.90…….hope he likes fish. Okay, now I am riding my bike, the fish are in a plastic bag….should they be refridgerated…….score some ice from the sales lady and put the fish on top of it in 1 of my panniers. I notice now that I at camp that all the CATS are hanging about my bike……….
Proof Doug that I got PURVIS WILD FISHIES ……..
Lost at Silver Lake. Out comes the GPS and I install on bike….oops, going the wrong way…….2 hours later, after lunch in Mindemoya and a ride check at Bidwell and Rockville side road ( middle of no where ) manned by 5 cruisers, I arrive at camp followed by cats……..
Will be packing up tonight for an early morning start… to get these Fishes home before they dry up……..
It’s always better catching them in the wild. Gives you a sort of achievement that you caught them in their natural habitat. Still, I wouldn’t say no to a good day’s catch. Heh.