A leisure day, up at 7:30 and headed into Little Current for a coffee and muffin…….need to support the local economy, plus I needed to use the wi fi at the cafe to publish the blog.
entertainment across the street.
The camp I am at is in Sheguiandah and though it is a small village facing the north east channel, during the late 1800 hundreds, it was a busy centre. The Batman family had sawmill, the Isl ’s only
Woollen Mill and a large fishery. Today it is but a shadow of its former self with many of the buildings still occupied……….the only apparent industry is tourism with a museum recording the village’s past.
The Park at the waterfront is almost vacant…..where are the tourist……from what I see throughout the Isl, business is off. I am sure the price of fuel plays a big factor.
This guy pulled in for dinner….sleeping for two….
The water level continues to drop and a petition with 20,000 signatures is circulating…STOP THE LEAK….
The pic of the former boat dock for the park……water use to be 1 foot below the top of the slabs…….approx 5 feet lower…..boats can no longer use this facility. The birds are plentiful around this site
This one must be French……..
Tonight a sailboat is ankored out in the Bay….Weather permitting I will explore Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve.which is the east peninsula from South Baymouth in the south to the strait directly across from Killarney.
Is that a solar panel on the roof ??