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Monday, July 22, 2013

Manitoulin Day 2 July 21 13


Out the door and on the bike to Providence Bay expecting breakfast at the Community Centre…..not to be…was Saturday only….so took an alternate route to Mindamoya and had breaky at Mom’s Bakery. What a feast and the place was packed.

Next stop Little Current, need to a place with wi fi to post yesterday’s blog……found a nice coffee shop and then took a few pics at the wharf….Manitoulin Day 2 7 21 13 001      Manitoulin Day 2 7 21 13 004 Manitoulin Day 2 7 21 13 003

Manitoulin Day 2 7 21 13 002 The boats were lining up as the swing bridge was about to open. This happens to be The Year Of The Bridge on Manitoulin. The Island which is the largest Is within a fresh water lake in the World, was 1st settled in the late 1860’s. Little Current quickly grew into a major port for freighters carrying both freight for the settlers and passengers, as well as; returning with lumber from the many mills which once dotted the Island. In 1913 construction of the swing bridge was completed and the Algoma Rail Line joined the Is to Sudbury. Now this bridge was initially rail only. The government recently completed a refurb costing 12 million dollars hence the year of the bridge and its 100th anniversary. The bridge swings open for 15 minutes every hour during daylight hours……so if you are driving you may have a wait.

Arrived back at Camp in the early afternoon and noted that the waterfront sites were vacant…….so of to the office to see if I could move and yea….YEs… I am now on lot 4 enjoying prime real estate with a spectacular view….Manitoulin Day 2 7 21 13 007  Manitoulin Day 2 7 21 13 008 Manitoulin Day 2 7 21 13 011 with wild life……today was a sunny comfortable day…no humity….just great.


  1. The place looks gorgeous Bob. Any boondocking around there for me for next year ??

  2. D.....likely is as most of Manitoulin is Indian Reserve.....this is a beautiful Isl...with great weather....not to busy....mostly all paved roads including the back roads. You can likely score a good rate on a seasonal site.....numerous campgrounds....very scenic Isl.
