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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Current Conditions on returning to Ecuador-July 22 2020

Ecuador has opened their borders to international air travel into the country......currently the criteria for entering by air must show proof of having been tested for Covid Virus(negative) within the last 7 days upon entry.......if not you must go into mandatory isolation at your expense for 14 days. This is not clear as to weather they place you at a certain site but implies so......

1 comment:

  1. If you don't test negative, you basically don't want to board a plane and fly to Ecuador. Nobody is being forced to quarantine. If you test positive for Covid, you should wait to travel. We've had a few people travel for motorcycle tours here with no problem and just one who had to cancel due to a positive covid test. We've rescheduled him at no additional costs as well as his airline.
