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Sunday, January 20, 2019

Canoa Update-January 20 2019

Not a lot to report other than I have friends arriving on the 5th of Feb for a month and looking forward to seeing Vickie & Doug Hanna.........hoping to do some travel via Wanderbus Tours when they arrive.
Yesterday, Don and I showed a couple from Minnesota the micro brewery outside of Canoa. It is approximately 7k from town in Jungle like setting on a ruff road made worse by the recent heavy rains. I have now swore off drinking as the result of this visit......I was sicker than a Dog upon arriving back and collapsed on the bed at 6pm.......the brew is 8 & 9% alcohol.

Here Don and Al and wife Debra are trying to decide on which brew to order for our table......I would later wish that I had not partaken.....

 as you can see by the red face I have already had too much.....Pictured above Al...a real DANE from Denmark his wife Debra, the 3 Colombian backpackers from Florencia which is on the edge of the Amazon.

 The owner of the brewery .........and wife in next picture along with husband who has changed cloths and hat.....we had been there that long...haha

 Don on the dance floor learning the Romba from the young Colombian......

 a passerby on the mode of transportation outside of Canoa.


 This morning Don and I went in to the Coco Loco for breakfast though I was still suffering and settled for coffee....

 couple surfers outside of Sundown heading to the waves....

 these next 2 are for my Son who is an avid bird photographer

 Sunset the other night....much the norm here.

The Temp here is about 85 F @ home in Ontario Canada it is -21 F or -30 C


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