Unable to take my VStrom....just doesn't make sense to ship at an expense more than the purchase of the X-Terra...one way no less.....u
Bike has been paid...wired the money tohttp://www.aroundtheblockmotoadventures.com/moto-purchase-buy-back/ Around the Block/Toby Shannon and received email $ received and bike will be in his shop August 9th for upgrades......will post actual pic of bike with luggage racks when Toby forwards......Now to refine the packing and consider extra running light purchase which I will install upon my arrival in Huanuco.....hopefully on the 29th of November.
I will be at the Horizon Unlimited meeting Sept 7th and can update anyone interested in the Process with Toby and Around the Block Adventure Tours/Rentals/Purchase and Buyback terms.
Though this bike comes as a 250, it is actually a 223cc which Toby and his crew can build up to a 285cc which will give it close to 25hp.
I will be using carry on type ( PLANE ) luggage as panniers with rain jackets.
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