Ken and I left Gravenhurst at 8:15am heading for Tobermory Ferry…..1.30 departure for South Baymouth. We didn’t expect the construction from Wasaga Beach to Meaford and made it to the dock with 15 minutes to spare…….by exceeding the speed limit by at least 30k.
Arriving at the dock I abandoned Ken and went to the aid of 2 Oriental girls who needed help in Tying down their bikes for the crossing….sorry no pics as I was just so enchanted with their beauty that I plumb forgot. Not kidding these 2 lasses looked like something you would see in a JAMES BOND MOVIE.
I have rejoined Ken as the girls didn’t realize the crossing would take so long and that this ship was returning and not back until tomorrow…… they returned to the ship as soon as they embarked…..HOT HOT……maybe I scared them off…lol
Ken looking for his 1st Geo Cache find on the Isl….
Geo found we continue on to Providence Bay to check out where we will spend Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Taking the back roads, I lead through the interior and along side picturesque lakes until we reach Sheguianda. Tonight we are resting at the Paradise Motel.
Green Acres Restaurant waiting for a Roast Beef dinner with Cream pie for desert……
Ken, what are you looking for…’s getting late……
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