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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Perce,Gaspe,L’Anse-Pleureuse-June 26 14


Great sleep last night with heater and a mattress which didn’t deflate.Don stayed up drinking IRISH COFFEE with a lady and her friend. Up and on the road on a circuit which took us along the coast to Sainte-Anne-des Monts, a town that we started yesterday’s trip down the 299….woops a 120k error on my part. We had to back track to L’Anse-Pleureuse to pick up # 198 which led us across country through the valley and back to Perce via Gaspe, a 12 hour ride which included meal stops. Great day with plenty of sun……we bid fellow rider Bill from California a safe journey before heading out….Bill left Cali, on his BMWgs in March…..his next venture is hiking Nepal this fall. gaspie  June 25 14 032  California BillGaspie June 26 14 001  Gaspie June 26 14 002  Setting the Lobster Traps Gaspie June 26 14 003 Town of GaspeGaspie June 26 14 007 Villages every 10kGaspie June 26 14 008  Gaspie June 26 14 009 Gaspie June 26 14 011 Gaspie June 26 14 017 Gaspie June 26 14 019A couple from Drummondville Quebec on a 2010 VStromGaspie June 26 14 022 Breakwater along the 132 hwyGaspie June 26 14 025 The village where I missed the turn.Gaspie June 26 14 027 the 198 hwy to Gaspe….132 k cross country……..tomorrow we head back towards Matapedia and up to Sainte Flavie….

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