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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Send Off Wishes-Nov 30th 2013


The departure date is quickly approaching and to mark this event a number of friends gathered for dinners and lunches to wish me well on this adventure.IMG_0796  Thank You, Joan and Charlie, for arranging and hosting a wonderful dinner with close friends.

Next night I was invited over for dinner to Vickie and Doug’s home. Another great meal plus a care package of left overs for the next day. I staggered home, fortunately I live close by……you sure that vino was non alcoholic.

Friday found me at the Golf Club for lunch with my hockey friends….George had arranged this as a pre Christmas get together after a morning game…….to my surprise it was another send off complete with a more minimalist approach by seasoned sport athletes as to what I should carry. IMG_0800 You need to see a previous post wherein I picture and list what I thought was the bare requirements, to get the above…….You will note that the saddle bags draped over the can ( not part of the needs ) looks  a tad small and each case has a red cross……..they know from my past adventures that this symbol has had some significance….LOL. Half the items above have been used…..their thoughts in giving me these again with minimal in mind to keep my load light…so…toilet paper, hot patch kit, preparation H, nasal lubricant gel, rear end powder, bismuth, a mouth to mouth breathing apparatus, a quarter bottle of some Chinese herbal hot remedy not to be used as hot sauce, a pair of googles,TROJAns……they are in a box…look like some kind of balloons…..Each of these items came with verbal explanations for their intent…..two items not shown was a wooden hockey stick to be used as a defensive item as some years ago I was nicknamed HICKERY for some reason. Our old timers group includes young vivacious females and to begin this presentation I was handed an envelope which contained a VOUCHER that I had to read aloud to my fellow players….this voucher was from the girls….


The Envelope was addressed to Bob ( CRAZY HAYZY )

                                  FREE VOUCHER

                         ONE FREE DONKEY RENTAL

                              ( IN CASE YOUR BIKE BREAKS DOWN )

                          SIGNED CINDY AND THE CRACK LINE



The hat is our TEAM HAT, it was presented by John Marshall, to be given to Antonio Virgini… riding associate from Montreal. It is hoped that he will keep me in check…..whatever that implies.

Next I was off to a get to, at the home of Diane and Ray Russell who gathered a few friends for a cocktail farewell……….parting with the CANADIAN FLAG

It is great to have friends who wish you well and since the passing of my wife, I am very fortunate to have had their support……

Gracias mi amigos


  1. You are indeed blessed to have such good friends ! Be safe and keep us posted !!

  2. Hola D,

    Si, mucho amigos..........seems like you are having a good time.....will follow your exploits from SA......have a good winter ......hope Arizona is warmer than last year....

