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Monday, August 13, 2012

Getting Ready-Central & South America-Aug 13 2012


It’s only 20 more days until I leave for the 2nd part of my journey. The summer has gone by so quickly….I know its not over but the CNE starts this weekend and to me that’s the end with school and Fall Fairs about to start.

I am mostly mended and have been busy putting the final farkles on my bike. This part of the trip will be on my 650 VStrom…..the Kawasaki will spend the winter in the garage wondering if it will ever see the road again. I keep telling myself pack lightly……2 changes of cloths 1 pair of shoes and my new riding gear….will carry extra  socks and underwear.

On the advise gleaned from The Hubb I went and had extra copies of my ownership, international driver’s licence,passport main page with 1 copy of each laminated on the advise of Greg Powell…Dreams/Greg’s Motorcycle Adventure. Greg recently completed 10 months on the road from Newfoundland to Deadhorse Alaska and to the bottom of Argentina….he met with myself and John Carney last week end and gave us valuable tips….thanks Greg,….it was a pleasure meeting you and we will get together at the Sept 7th Horizon Meeting in Robbinsville NC where Greg is a guest speaker. As you may have guessed, I have company for the trip…John, a retired helicopter pilot and most recently a yahtsman has parked the ship and purchased a Tiger Triumph 800. So YEA its great to have company. While, getting the copies mentioned above I realized my drivers licence expires while I am on the road , so I made a be line for the renewal office……..may get it before I leave….I am a believer so it will be here before Sept 2nd.

I have cancelled as many bill producing items I could….TV, PHONE, INTERNET……taxes…..can I do that ? Let’s call it a tax holiday…..Prepaid a couple services. Tomorrow I will winterize my 5th wheel which will be stored at my Mothernlaw’s for the winter along with my truck….THANK”S MARIE….the car will be used by my son to pull his fishing boat on week ends and hopefully he will put it in the garage before winter…THANK”S COREY. Still need to make final arrangment’s on the house.

GOPR0046 the bike in its round garage… bowl image taken with my son’s go pro….on loan….THANK”S COREY. As soon as I get The Pic for the Tiger I will post       


  1. Bob: Best of luck to you both. Have an awesome trip and keep the rubber side down. Be safe, ride safe and enjoy every second of this truly epic journey! I am envious! When you get back you'll be able to right a book I'm sure. I will look forward to checking in regularily to see your posts which will keep my spirits up and looking forward to riding season next spring. All the Best! Ride safe and enjoy the adventure you lucky dog you!!!

  2. PS. Did you bring a notebook for your memoirs and a pen or two? It's important to chronicle your thoughts at the end of the day. (ask me how I know)LOL Also a cheap mp3 player and a solar charger (they are cheap and light and small) Just a suggestion.

  3. Thanks,
    Peter you are right on re keeping thoughts and sites current....I recall that I had difficulty remembering places names at the end of a day for my last blog

  4. Good luck on the trip Bob... I will be following along your journey!


  5. Thanks John,

    Wishing you and Judy a warm holiday this winter in Florida.....


  6. I posted elsewhere that I could not read your type but I can the back ground when I refreshed your blog, please disregard my post of luck on your adventure. Hope you find peace and stay safe! Sorry for your loss!

  7. It was my pleaseure, always ready to help a fellow rider. All the best. Greg Powell

  8. Thanks Greg......see you next week

  9. Oh My, I was hoping you'd change your mind on doing this trip and hang with me (safely !) in Arizona. Guess not huh ! LOL

    I'll be following along as always.

    1. Thanks D....Send me your location may find you on the way back

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