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Friday, May 25, 2012

Day 1 Continued


Didn’t exactly sleep like a baby……..woke up at 3.30 am….light coming through the wall..what the ?….last night I couldn’t find the light switch.  Wiping my eyes, I think dare I get up…but nature calls ……a hole in the wall where the plaster has fallen off reveals broken lattice and a dim flickering light is coming from the end of the hall below the stairs.  I hear banjo music and laughter. Where is the bathroom….The door creaks on it’s hinges as I exit into the hall. The music suddenly stops and for a moment I seem to feel like all eyes are on me…..but I don’t see anyone and what happened to the light. I can’t see a D.. thing. Why am I sweating, the urge to urinate is strong….where’s the F….. bathroom door. Suddenly I am falling or tripping or both. I wake up and feel like I’m soaking wet..O NO…I didn’t. I have the fashlight in my hand but its not on…turn it on stupid. I do and find that I am lying on the   grass…….not P….but dew….WHAT A RELIEF. I am starring at my tent…….it’s a dream…..that’s it no more wine before bed.


  1. Don't be dreaming like that while to are cruzing down the road Bob!

    1. You know when you spend 800 k inside your helmet you have a lot of time to Spend with yourself......

  2. Lying on the grass !!?? Oh My, This is going to be some trip !! LOL
