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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sportsman Show

Picked up the Spot 2 GPS which with Google Maps plots your way points as your trip progresses........once activated it also allows you to stay connected with family and friends by tracking your progress and with pre custom messaging letting them know your ok and in case of an emergency.......SOS assistance request ..
Technology, what did we do before cell phones, internet etc.......being able to stay in touch...does that change the adventure.....

O on a sour note had my 1st mishap.....dropped the bike taking it out of the house on the steps....not good. Right signal light demolished and a few scratches....hopefully the neighbours missed this as I went airborne landing off the bike on my butt.

Will take a run about town now that I have insurance.........was about to change insurers but when Prima heard that I was going to CA & South America they refused to underwrite even though they only cover you for North America.

Great day here is 20 plus degrees.....last year it was minus 20 something  


  1. Since I've been on the road I said so many times "What did we do before the Internet !"

    So sorry to hear you dropped your new bike.

  2. You'll have to post pics of the new parts when you get them.
