The final day of our trip around Ecuador was under clear skies without rain. A scenic ride to Canoa with a slight detour off the main road.
1 stop for fuel, though we did attempt another near Jama but Athir was unable to unlock his gas cap....the bike however made it to Canoa.
We did make a lunch stop in Pedernales a town which suffered both a human and structural loss in the April 2016 Earthquake.
Ecuador is one of the countries where earthquakes are nearly a daily occurence. In the last 7 days as of Febr 07 Ecuador was shaken by 11 ...ranging from 6.5, 4.0 & 5.0 plus 8 between 3.0 & 4.0.
Ecuador is situated in an area of intense seismic activity. there is a high riskof earthqakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis.
Overall this was a great trip with the weather gods smilying on us under favorable odd couple of bikes with a BMW GS 700 and a 125cc Honda Street bike travelling together on an Adventure. At times we were true off roading enduring ruff, rocky potholed roads, landslides and deep cascading water up to 2 feet deep. The 125 Honda underwent a number of surgeries from beginning to end which included a new front fairing, head lamp combination, mirror replacement, rear shocks, some wiring problems, battery replaced and finally front forks re oiled with new seals .....engine gasket between upper and lower engine the brake peddle spring which I believe would operate the tail light.......oh and the rear foot peg rubber fell off but I was able to see it as I was following.
The engine, fork seals and a few other things Miguel fixed on our return and Athir is enjoying more riding for a week while I returned to Canada.
This map gives you the route we chose not so much in advance but daily.....
The fairing damage was the result of Barry being thrown from his horse and the horse backing into Athir's bike which fell against mine.....not noticed but later in Banos when I needed air we found the valve had been damaged and wouldn't take air....Athir called BMW in Quito and was told the part was not in stock and would take 3 weeks to ship from Germany. We found a volcanizer up the street and in minutes he repaired the valve and replaced the needle....filled the tires on both bikes....cuanta cuesta...$ 1.00 gave him $ 3.00 and we were good to go.
BMW have tubless tires and the valve is in the wheel forks.