After breakfast we headed out on a Geo Cache but found that the park was not accessible until 10am so we set off north of Lake George and somehow ended up in Glen Falls which is south of Lake the......o well it was just a ride and with 3 GPS we still got lost.....eventually after refueling at Dunkin Donuts we found our way home. A stop at a biker outlet store led to a chance meeting with a couple from NY who are fellow HORIZON UNLIMITED members and we have some friends in common. They have been to South Africa and Europe and both their GS 1200 bikes had stickers of the many week they are taking advantage of Air Canada's special shipping package and will go to Toronto and send themselves and bikes to Amsterdam
Don is under the weather this evening so Ken and I headed into town for dinner and a view of the bikes on the main street.
Wells Lunch stop........................................................This village was on # 30 and led us south when we should have been going north but through picturesque scenery and great roads after we crossed some lake and headed towards and Fish Harbour.........we didn't realize until 12 miles from Lake George that we south of our destination....o well it is an adventure after all. tomorrow we will head to Vermont with twisty already for the Geo Cache hunt.................................................................................................
Don is under the weather this evening so Ken and I headed into town for dinner and a view of the bikes on the main street.
June 9th................................................................................................................................................
Twisty planned a route that would take us through Warrensburg and a circle tour through some back country roads and return us to Up 9n then 28 with a left at # 8 on some fantastic twisties with little to no traffic. We stopped in the village of Wells and had the best lunch so far.....,+Lake+George,+NY+12845/Warrensburg,+NY/189+Middle+Rd,+Lake+George,+NY+12845/Wells,+NY/Broadalbin,+NY/Fish+House,+NY/Lake+George,+NY/@43.3421882,-74.2796087,10z/am=t/data=!3m1!4b1!4m44!4m43!1m5!1m1!1s0x89dfc44525d34b71:0xa4278ce45e2a36e1!2m2!1d-73.713398!2d43.426749!1m5!1m1!1s0x89dfc10e629c6eed:0xf388f33e8f62e91c!2m2!1d-73.7762313!2d43.4967351!1m5!1m1!1s0x89dfc47bc5480119:0xb79089d5689b16d!2m2!1d-73.70871!2d43.446888!1m5!1m1!1s0x89df06b86911ae21:0xeb67cf346a4e8158!2m2!1d-74.2895826!2d43.3959017!1m5!1m1!1s0x89de5f3a3f21ca79:0xf5d29c1d3e73011d!2m2!1d-74.1965206!2d43.0586846!1m5!1m1!1s0x89de57504a991d19:0x62f1732212bd8213!2m2!1d-74.1329084!2d43.1445172!1m5!1m1!1s0x89dfc01da0053e81:0x3be8fcb34fcf62d2!2m2!1d-73.7123408!2d43.4261809!3e0?hl=en-GB
The above may not show our route but I tried to post it anyway...........