hit was almost 11 am before I headed up 11 towards North Bay, picking up 17 and riding through Markstay and Coniston. This is the area I spent my early childhood. my 1st encounter with bloodsuckers…I was six and screamed bloody blue murder…..my cousin drew them out with matches….lite of course.
A row of 5 houses, a White Rose Garage and Saw Mill once stood here……..my uncle owned the properties and we lived in one of the houses….I attended grades 1 and 2 up the road.
You can barely see the school which was insul brick back in the day. One teacher taught 8 grades………most kids back then didn’t go any further in school unless their parents were able to board them in Sudbury or a large area with a High School……no bus service in those days……crap…I hate dating myself. The school is now someone's home…..It amazes me that this building is still there. Across the highway from the school is a small farm. It is here that my mother was born and raised……..again few changes
The old farm on the hill………
I made it within 10 miles of Espanola before needing fuel…….26.00 but that included my spare fuel tank…..the bike has a mileage stat and it says I am averaging 20.8k to the litre. Tonight I am camped at Green Acres about 8 miles south of Little Current… Nice spot….
Posted out of order